The gateway to the sciences of the Qur'ān Tahseen introduces students of Qur'ān to the world of Qirā’āt through the study of the Shāṭibiyyah, while certifying them in their memorization and recitation of the Qur'ān. Students who successfully complete this course will be equipped with the prerequisite knowledge they need to continue their studies in the Qur’ānic sciences.
- Khuluqun Adheem
- Complete Ḥifdh
Tahseen introduces students of Qur'ān to the world of Qirā’āt through the study of the Shāṭibiyyah, while certifying them in their memorization and recitation of the Qur'ān. Students who successfully complete this course will be equipped with the prerequisite knowledge they need to continue their studies in the Qur’ānic sciences.
*Students will be tested on their Ḥifdh and Tajwid prior to admission, and only those who pass the screening will be granted admission
“The best of you are those who learn the Qur’ān and teach it.”
(Saḥiḥ al-Bukhārī - 5027)
Currently Al-Hirz Institute offers this class in an online format with classes being held over zoom.
The student will be asked to recite through a commonly used application based on the instructors discretion. The student will be notified of this application in class.
Ash-Shāṭibiyyah (formally known as Hirz al-Amāni wa Wajih at-Tahāni) written by Imam Shāṭibi is a poem written on the subject of Qirā'āt. This class will cover the first 94 lines, which contains the foundation for every student who wishes to take their first step into the World of Qur’ān.
An Ijāzah in any field can be summed up as a certification of mastery given by one’s teacher. An Ijāzah in the memorization of Qur'ān will link the student back to the Prophet ﷺ.
In this class, instructor’s will grant Ijāzah upon their discretion based on whether the student upheld the requirements of the class.
The requirements to be certified will be mentioned in class.
Yes, Al-Hirz Institute offers both part-time and full-time Ḥifdh program with limited seating. Please check the tahfidh program page for more information.